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Family: Benjamin Rice / Mary Rice (F3343)

m. 15 Nov 1692

Family Chart     |    PDF

Deacon Edward Rice
Male (1622-1712)
Agnes Bent
Female (1631-1713)
Lydia Rice
Female (1648-1648)
Lydia Rice
Female (1649-1723)
John Rice
Male (1651-1719)
Daniel Rice
Male (1655-1737)
Deacon Edmund Rice
Male (1653-1719)
Caleb Rice
Male (1657-1658)
Jacob Rice
Male (1660-1746)
Anna Rice
Female (1661-1731)
Dorcas Rice
Female (1664-1753)
Abigail Rice
Female (1671-1710)
Samuel Rice
Male (1634-1685)
Mary Dix
Female (1639-1675)
Edward Rice
Male (1672-1741)
Abigail Rice
Female (1673-1685)
Benjamin Rice
Male (1666-1748)
Mary Rice
Female (1669-1736)
Azariah Rice
Male (1693-1779)
Lydia Rice
Female (1695-1755)
Elizabeth Rice
Female (1697-1775)
Simon Rice
Female (1699-1733)
Zerubbabel Rice
Male (1702-1775)
Rachel Rice
Female (1703-1782)
Matthias Rice
Male (1706-1764)
Priscilla Rice
Female (1708-1792)
Damaris Rice
Female (1711-1751)